
  • How to Keep Track of Your Job Search

    The other day I read an article about the job market here in Colorado that shared a story of a woman who had applied to over 880 jobs in the past 14 months. She knew exactly how many jobs she had applied to because she was keeping track of them in a spreadsheet.

  • How to Find Remote Jobs

    After many companies pivoted to remote work in 2020, demand for remote jobs and their flexibility continues to grow. In many industries, the temporary switch to remote work during the pandemic demonstrated that many jobs could be done just as effectively—or even more effectively—from home. It’s no wonder than remote work can be a win-win for organizations and workers. In...

  • Work and Career Post-Roe

    Careers are a culmination of life decisions—deciding what kinds of jobs to pursue, deciding where to work, deciding if and where to go to college, deciding to move to a new place, deciding when to retire, deciding when and if to get married, and deciding if and when to have kids. Making these decisions effectively, confidently, and from a place...

  • Colorado Youth Career Fair: LGBTQ+ Panel Recording

    On April 21st I facilitated the LGBTQ+ Youth Forum panel for the Colorado Youth Career Fair, a week-long virtual series of panels to introduce youth and young adults to a wide variety of career fields. This forum session featured LGBTQ+ panelists sharing their career stories and talking about the intersection of being LGBTQ+ in their careers.

  • 7 Resources LGBTQ+ Workers & Job Seekers Need to Know About

    One of the biggest victories for LGBTQ+ people in the United States happened in June 2020, when the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that workers are protected under federal law from discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Even with this nationwide legal protection, one of the unfortunate realities is that LGBTQ+...

  • Meet a Psychology Professor: Dr. Em Matsuno

    Meet Dr. Em Matsuno, an Assistant Professor in Counseling and Counseling Psychology at Arizona State University. In this interview, they share what a day in the life is like for a professor at a research university, what was useful for them to consider as a nonbinary person on the job market, and the importance of mentoring throughout your career.

  • Meet a Digital Marketing Strategist: Kai Walsh

    Meet Kai Walsh, a digital marketing strategist and social entrepreneur. In this interview, they share what it’s like to help organizations with their digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), what a day in the life is like when you work for yourself, and how they creatively work with businesses to make a difference for the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Announcing the LGBTQ+ Career Stories Video Series

    I am incredibly excited to announce the debut of Pride in Your Path’s first ongoing video series: the LGBTQ+ Career Stories interview series! Beginning today, interviews with LGBTQ+ individuals from all walks of life will be featured on the Pride in Your Path YouTube channel, covering topics related to the day-to-day details of their job, their career path and educational...

  • Identify What Matters

    Career development is about much more than finding a job. In the broadest sense, it means engaging in a process to get to know yourself and your goals better, and then deciding your best path to pursuing those goals.

  • Group Coaching with Career Club

    I’m excited to announce the Pride in Your Path Career Club—a new group coaching opportunity for job seekers & career explorers!

  • Podcast: What You Can Control in Your Job Search

    Last May, I joined Emilie Aries of Bossed Up for my first-ever podcast interview! Early in the pandemic there was a lot of uncertainty as the job market quickly shrank, and job seekers were struggling to find openings. Now at the end of 2021 the job market feels like the opposite of last year, with many employers struggling to get...

  • Names, Pronouns, and Your Resume

    I often get questions from clients and from other career specialists about how to navigate chosen names and personal pronouns on application materials like resumes, cover letters, and graduate school applications. No matter who we are, our names are the first thing that someone sees on our application. And in recent years, sharing personal pronouns in a variety of professional...

  • How to Support Pride in Your Path as a Patron

    One of the values that I endeavor to keep front and center in my work with Pride in Your Path, LLC, is accessibility of information. Living this value means that many of my goals for this business involve developing educational content (such as articles, videos, and downloadable resources) that will be available for free.

  • What is career guidance?

    You may have noticed that the Pride in Your Path, LLC, mission statement refers to career coaching in a specific way: career guidance. Why do I use this term to refer to the work I do?

  • What does career mean?

    Most of the time when we hear the word “career,” we think about jobs. Career services is where college students get jobs, career counseling is how we get help to get jobs, and career education is training to get a job. It sounds pretty straightforward—but it’s only part of the picture.

  • Announcing Pride in Your Path

    I am pleased to announce the launch of my new business, Pride in Your Path! 🎉