Pride in Your Path logo

I am pleased to announce the launch of my new business, Pride in Your Path! šŸŽ‰

Hi, my name is Kyle Inselman. Iā€™m a career coach, and Iā€™m passionate about meeting the unique career needs of LGBTQ+ people. From deciding when to come out, to navigating bias in the job search, to identifying companies that offer LGBTQ+-inclusive health benefits, there are many ways that oneā€™s LGBTQ+ identity can intersect with their career. And yet for all of the questions, concerns, and curiosities that LGBTQ+ people may have about careers, there isnā€™t a lot out there in terms of guidance that puts our unique needs front and center. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve founded Pride in Your Path.

Pride in Your Path is my answer to the resources I wish I could turn to, both as a trans person and as a career coach. When I was a young adult, I didnā€™t know about any trans people who had successful careers in my interest areas. And as a coach, I often hear questions from LGBTQ+ clients that I havenā€™t seen represented in coaching resources. By founding Pride in Your Path, Iā€™m making a commitment to change that.

In addition to serving the LGBTQ+ community, my goal with Pride in your Path is to bring research-informed and positive psychology approaches to career development and job searching to as many people as possibleā€”to bring joy, optimism, and confidence to everyoneā€™s career journey. Pride in Your Path is named both for LGBTQ+ pride as well as for the pride that everyone deserves to feel about their career.

What you can look forward to from Pride in Your Path are services in three areas:

  • Coaching for individuals who are job searching or making a decision about something in their career.
  • Career education in the form of videos, articles, and other media.
  • Consulting and training for career professionals and others who serve individuals making career decisions.

Through offering these three types of services, I look forward to being able to expand access to quality career guidance, especially for LGBTQ+ individuals, in a scalable, sustainable way.

Like many career development professionals, I am deeply interested in the future of work and what changes weā€™ll create as a society rethinking what work means to us and how we want to work. Personally, Iā€™m interested both in the near-term and the long-term. I have radical hope for a future where everyone on the planet can experience economic justice through dignified work and abundant leisure. I believe that Pride in Your Path can contribute to that vision by working toward a future where every individual can be confident in their career decisionsā€”to take pride in their own path.

Iā€™m optimistic, and Iā€™m ready to get to work to create that future. If youā€™re inspired too, I hope youā€™ll join me. You can start by supporting Pride in Your Path as a patron and spreading the word to your friends and networks. Iā€™m excited to build out these services and resources, and to share them with the community and with you. Stay tuned!